
Showing posts from February, 2020


Walmart Needs To Reconnect With Customers And Employees Walmart (NYSE:WMT) has tried many things to fix its sluggish sales problem: closed stores, laid off employees, raised pay for those remaining, and expanded its on-line presence.

Walmart losses

Waymart’s e-commerce biz is reportedly racking up $1 billion in losses and that’s only one problem it has ·          Walmart is now projecting losses of more than $1 billion for its U.S. e-commerce division last year, Vox reports. ·          Walmart may sell women’s apparel retailer ModCloth this year, for less than its purchase price, the report said    Frustrations are growing within the company as losses mount. Walmart shares were down less than 1% Wednesday morning. The stock has rallied 19.4% this year, while Amazon shares are up 29%.

Walmart unethical behavior

Walmart unethical behavior Walmart is one of the biggest well known companies in the united states and in the world since 1962 when founder Sam Walton creates Walmart. It has been the place where a lot of people usually do their shopping  for the lower prices and variety of products. This why it is so controversial  Walmart continues to grew even  with this    accusations of unethical business practices. Walmart has been accused of sexual discrimination and unfair pay for employees and destruction of small towns, excessive amount of corporate power through the government and Walmart is turning into m monopoly. With all of these allegations, Walmart is still one of the leading discount retail in the country  and as a corporate office they still stand tall and state that they follow fair ethical values.